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How Wire Mesh Containers Aid Economy And Inventory Control?

  • imageAdmin
  • image28 April 2016

Wire mesh containers are a vital part of industrial processes and can be found being used in a lot of industries. The industrial wire baskets are made of different types of wire cloths and perforated metals. The aerospace and automotive sectors rely heavily on wire baskets to make their automated processes run well .Although wire baskets come in different shapes and sizes , their basic objective is to strain unwanted materials from liquids. Some examples include heat training, annealing, degreasing, parts washing, tumbling, drying and material handling. These wire baskets can be made with a variety of metals, stainless steel being one of the most popular. Let us find how wire mesh containers can improve inventory control

They Are See Through

Quick content visibility is one of these prime precursors to proper and effective inventory control. Wire mesh containers are virtually transparent and offer great visibility of the content levels. Inventory controllers don’t fear anything more than them not being able to judge the amount of contents inside containers.

Content Identification

Wire mesh containers aid in the identification of the contents at various stages and managing product cycles based on visual examination. This is a very important inventory management tool in the hands of inventory controllers.


The extremely durable nature of wire mesh containers means that the inventory cycles can be more predictable and dependable. Wire mesh containers are generally stackable and collapsible and promote material flow aiding efficient stock control.


As more and more businesses become sensitive to conservation, wire mesh containers are more environments friendly since these can be recycled and hence help in saving inventory costs over a period of time.


Wire mesh containers are easily stackable up to 3-4 containers and conserve a lot of space therefore. This aids inventory management folks in minimizing the space required for storage and hence saving precious money for the concern.


If needed, wire mesh containers can be quickly and effectively transported on a short notice. If the inventory managers need some space on an emergency basis, Wire mesh containers can be very quickly transported releasing inventory space on a very short notice.

Easily Customizable

Since wire mesh containers are made with interconnected components, it is very easy to customize them quickly in shape and size based on the actual inventory requirement.

Hence, we can see that Wire Mesh containers can help Inventory Controllers a great deal by saving space and ensuring and aiding predictability of inventory condition and amount.