The repositioning of empty containers is one of the most persistent problems in the container transport industry. Empty containers involve high costs and generally shipping lines try to reduce this heavy cost of moving the empty containers as much as they can. Mostly they try to focus on matching the cargo with the empty containers, but that is not always possible .Therefore collapsible or foldable containers come as a boon in view of saving transport and handling costs.
The concept of collapsible containers is not exactly new .but a lot of effort went into developing containers that took lesser turnaround time in erecting and collapsing thus saving precious manpower. That problem has been more or less solved with the latest developments and design improvements
Advantages of Using Collapsible Containers
There are many advantages. The walls of collapsible containers fold down and lay flat on the base of the bin. This is an enormous advantage and saves packing and shipping costs in addition to saving precious space. The containers can now be reused better and can be maintained for a longer time hence improving the overall profitability of the business.
Space: the primary benefit of having collapsible containers is that they create more efficient storage space, freeing space for other items when containers are not in use. A user can easily fold the walls of the container and tuck up the folded collapsible container till needed.
Saving Costs
Containers are generally protective units that can keep the material safe during transportation. Collapsible containers have the added advantage of reducing the return shipping costs dramatically since they take much lesser space.
Reuse Feature
If the containers can be easily returned with viable costs, these can be reused over and over again helping to reduce the cost of buying new containers.
Ease of Transportation
Collapsible containers have the same dimensions of regular containers making it easy to lift with cranes and forklifts. These are stackable when in use and also stackable when in collapsed state. Smaller collapsible containers have handles thus making it much more transport friendly.
Securing the Product
The walls of the collapsible container provide quite good security when in an erect position. Even the walls are collapsible, the latches are quite strong and the walls do not collapse until the latches are released.
From the above examples we see that collapsible containers are here to stay. They offer unmatched value in terms of features and costs saved.