When it comes to warehouse storage owners and workers ensure that all the things are properly installed in the warehouse. Also, the load limits are maintained and the most efficient techniques are used to upgrade the warehouse performance.
Wooden pallets are used in many warehouses since olden times. Although many warehouse owners have now turned towards the new generation metal containers few warehouses still depend on traditional wooden pallets.
But, now wooden pallets have got the perfect substitute. Stillage containers are proven to be better than traditional wooden pallets in every sense. These are more durable, easy to handle and long-lasting.
All the warehouse jobs which are supported by wooden pallets can be easily achieved with stillages that to in a more efficient manner. Some of the major benefits that will make you replace the wooden pallets in your warehouse with classic stillages include:
Wide Range to Choose From:
With wooden pallets, there are no options to choose from. Usually, the only variation available in these pallets is the pallet size and dimension. But with classic stillages, one has got a lot of amazing options to choose from.
For different warehouse requirements, different kinds of stillage are available with leading suppliers. Not only this, for meeting a few specifics or special requirements of your warehouse suppliers like HML Wires also provide with several customizable options with the stillage containers.
For better security, there also is an option available for lockable pallet cages. Hence, for almost each and every warehouse requirement, you will be able to find the perfect stillage. This is what makes them better than wooden pallets in the first place.
Better Load Bearing Capacity:
At the end of the day, we all want that different kinds of goods must be properly accommodated in the warehouse with maximum efficiency. Stillages make this easily achievable.
Their high load-bearing capacity makes them accommodate much larger amounts of goods as compared to wooden pallets. Also, there comes classic hot-dip zinc stillage that saves the stillage from corrosion and rusting.
Hence, one truly gets a lot of added benefits with stillages. Their phenomenal features with high durability make them an excellent choice to be used in the warehouse.
Collapsible & Saves Space:
Another amazing benefit of using stillages is that they save a lot of space when not in use. These can be collapsed and kept together. Hence, there is no headache for the warehouse owners to arrange or store the empty cages.
Easy to Use & Handle:
All the features of a stillage can be easily utilized and one can gain maximum efficiency out of the same. These cages are extremely easy to install and use. Also, not much maintenance is required with these cages after the purchase.
Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that once purchased and installed these will provide an amazing warehouse service for life.
Hence, replace those old wooden pallets by classic stillages making your purchase from HML Wires today!!