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Tire Pallet Rack: How to Maximize Every Square Metre of Your Warehouse?

  • imageAdmin
  • image14 September 2021

The main purpose of every warehouse is to efficiently and safely store products. Making the most of the available space is critical for increasing productivity and earnings in this industry. To maximize benefits, each warehouse owner employs a distinct method to fulfill their company’s demands. Especially in the automobile and tire industry, warehouse owners make the most of the space by adding tire pallet rack and storage racks to keep the tires efficiently, safely.

Apart from the material handling process, one of the most important aspects of any warehousing operation is the logistics of your distribution center. It’s simple to see increasing your space as the simplest solution. Although this is an excellent way to boost storage space, it is not the most cost-effective or practical option for most organizations. So, how can you make the most of the space you have?

Use Vertical Storage

Using as much vertical space as possible by extending your racking upwards is one of the simplest ways to get more storage. It is important to make certain that you select the appropriate racking. To ensure that it can hold the load of the extension, it must be structurally sound at the bottom. Hiring a design team to help you comprehend the scope of achievable extension utilizing your present system may be worth the effort.

Reduce Racking Area Aisle Widths

Making your aisleways narrower might drastically reduce the amount of storage you have access to. Yet, before using this option, you should carefully consider the type of warehouse equipment you have. Pallet trucks, for instance, are an important part of your logistics operations, so consider their dimensions and manoeuvring needs when determining how much space you could save in your racking aisleways. However, even just a foot saved per aisle can make a significant difference.

Add a Metal Tire Rack

A warehouse tire rack is one of the most cost-effective ways to expand your storage capacity since it effectively creates new storage space to stack and store tyres safely. You should select a tire storage rack that can support the weight and size of the tires you plan to keep on it, and you should adjust your inventory operations so that lightweight tires are stored higher and bigger, heavier tires are stored at the bottom. A heavy-duty tire rack can provide a lot of storage space to your warehouse, shop or facility.

Make Use of Underused Space in Your Warehouse

Tire Pallet Rack

You might just have space available at your warehouse or facility that you weren’t even aware of. You can, for instance, look for empty space above inventory control doors, machines, and other completely undiscovered areas. This will certainly vary depending on the location of your business, its size, and how densely it is compacted, but every warehousing and distribution company has empty space. Consider clearing up your storage rooms and getting rid of everything you don’t need. This can free up valuable space for more important and necessary inventory.

Why do Warehouses Lack Storage Space?

A shortage of storage capacity can arise from a combination of factors. You might be experiencing a rise in the business, demanding more inventory to fill orders. A simple misstep in judgment could result in an overabundance of a specific stock. You could potentially have outmoded goods that have been sitting around for many seasons without being sold. Another factor is that your company is expanding in terms of size and scope.

It’s critical to understand not merely how to get additional space, but also why you have it in the first place. This will assist you in determining whether you require additional space on a short-term or long-term basis. Long-term requirements may require a bigger expenditure.

Buy The Right Storage Solutions Only at HMLWires

Investing in the right warehouse storage solution is key to make the most of your storage space. HMLWires can help you expand your existing storage capacity. We have a vast range of storage solutions essential to facilitate your plans professionally.

We are your go-to team of experts for everything relating to efficient material handling.