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Tire Storage Rack— Common Warehouse Accidents and Tips to Avoid Them

  • imageAdmin
  • image7 December 2021

Without a demanding style to safety, warehouses can be precarious places. There are many different types of warehouse risks. Some can be fully avoided by taking a small, although not particularly intuitive, action such as investing in tire storage rack systems. Others are things that cannot be avoided and must instead be handled or reduced. A combination of the two is present in some of the most common warehouse risks.

A detailed risk assessment will help you detect and recognize potential workplace problems. If your company employs more than 5 people, you must do a risk assessment and keep track of it. If your company has fewer than five employees, a risk assessment is still recommended, but you don’t have to write anything down.

Common Warehouse Accidents

Warehouses can be unsafe locations if safety isn’t taken seriously. So, to help you get a leg up on the competition on your risk assessment and management, here are the two most common warehouse dangers to keep an eye out for, as well as what you can do to prevent them.

#1. Falls, Trips or Slips

People are at risk of slipping, tripping, and falling in a cluttered warehouse.

Although slips, trips, and falls are most often looked at as such three distinct risks, they all have one thing in common: your floor. A slip can happen on a slick surface, a trip can happen on a messy surface, and a fall can happen on rough surfaces or a heightened surface without safety.

Because of the vast amount of floorspace that warehouses generally have, these types of risks are widespread. As a result, some parts of your floor are more likely to be overlooked. Furthermore, in warehouses, where carelessly placed things can quickly become causes of accidents, messy floors are a more common issue than in other locations.

A risk assessment, like any other warehouse concern, can allow you to identify and effectively address falls, trips, and injuries. A floor map, on the other hand, is a simple and effective tool that most warehouse owners advise using to assist you to do a risk assessment relevant to your floor.

Simple actions such as entrance mattings can actually reduce slips by keeping wetness from the outside from getting inside. Spills must be wiped as quickly as possible, but how a floor is maintained can have a significant impact on how well it clings. Also, remember that some styles of flooring are more prone to slipping than others, so new flooring may be required.

#2. Mishandled or Wrong Tire Storage Rack

Tire Storage Rack

Using an improper tire pallet rack or misusing the metal tire rack can be fatal. Overcrowding a warehouse tire rack or folding wire container, disregarding a broken system, and stacking objects haphazardly on top of one other are just a few examples of rack exploitation that can result in serious injuries.

You never have to dig deep to find cases of stacking failures that have made headlines. The best-case scenario is that the company loses a ton of money as a result of broken or damaged tires or misplacing the auto parts, and a warehouse that needs to be repaired. Injuries or death are the worst-case cases.

Managers should ensure that all employees understand the manufacturer’s directions to the point to assure that racking is not overused. Capacity warnings specify how a racking system should be handled and what the system’s maximum weight capacity should be.

Managers should indeed be instructed on how to evaluate a racking system for breakage or missing pieces since damage or missing parts may not always be visible.

Summing Up

Avoid warehouse mishaps and accidents, and improve workspace productivity and safety by invest in HMLWires’ warehouse tire rack, metal tire rack, and other warehouse solutions.